Contact Us

For general questions about the district or your services, please complete the form below and we will be in touch with you.

We are aware that the phone number provided on bills was incorrect. For questions pertaining to your bill, you can reach us at (512) 280-6622.

Under state and federal law, individuals and other entities are allowed to request for viewing or copying government documents that are public in nature. Shady Hollow MUD believes in open government and is committed to transparency while also protecting confidential information where required by law.

Open Records Requests or “Requests for Public Information” are requests for records maintained by a governmental entity. A request does not need to be on a specific form and may be typed or handwritten. However, a requestor needs to provide a means to communicate (an address, a phone number, or an email address) along with the requestor’s name.

Requests must be made via email at, in person at the district office at Public Information, Shady Hollow MUD, 3303 Doe Run, Austin, Texas 78748, or via US Mail at Public Information, Shady Hollow MUD, P.O. Box 1220, Dripping Springs, Texas 78621.