This map shows how the water system across Austin Water’s service area is currently performing. Each of the nine pressure zones that we maintain is shown as an area experiencing water outages (red) or low pressure (orange). The goal is for each zone to get to green again, where the system is operating normally, and the boil water notice can be lifted.
To achieve this, Austin Water is working to: Maintain water pressure in the Central Pressure Zone, which is the delivery hub for both the North and South Zones.
Continue filling water in the other pressure zones to turn those pressure zones orange.
As we work to repair and restore our water system, we need everyone to conserve water as much as possible. Using as little water as possible will allow us to put excess water produced into storage, which is critical for the health of the entire system. As Austin continues to thaw out, please report potential water main breaks here.
This graph shows where we are today in terms of our water production, customer demand or usage, and how much we have stored in reservoirs. For a healthy system, we need to maintain a minimum of 100 million gallons in storage. Today, we are at 32 million gallons and climbing.
Do your part to help us provide what is essential – water. Please conserve as much as possible so that we can get back to normal faster.